Our moon is a good target for astronomical telescopes for many good reasons. First, it is easy to recognize. If you are in heaven, it probably just means that now is in heaven, or because of a new moon, or because it is behind the horizon. Second, next is up to us to be here on earth, and is the only object other than the sun, as more than a point of light to the human eye can only be perceived. That makes us all on the surface in detail with visual aids that are available for all to study. The best telescopes are usually not a necessity for the moon, only a pair of binoculars or naked eyes.
The first thing you should know that the ads of our moon, the phases of the cycle. The moon moves around our planet almost every 4 weeks. During this time the position of the moon on the earth and the sun will change, then vary from highlights is our perspective. While the moon is in the back of the planet Earth, we have all the moonlight, we are talking about a full moon. As it orbits around the planet, over time, unless the moon lights the outside is visible to us on Earth. During this time the moon is seen to decrease. How are decreasing, marked by the phases of the moon and have the district and the Red Crescent, less illuminated by each vessel is the new moon phase. During this time the moon is between Earth and sun, and therefore not visible in the evening sky. Then begins the growth phase and passes through the stages of which in the opposite direction until it is filled again.
Many people believe that without a doubt the best stadium in the head, gazing at the stars of the moon, would undoubtedly be the full moon phase, this is really bad. In view of the full moon has been very tiring for the eyes, because at this time, seven percent brighter than the sun. View the entire quarter is not good either, that the dark areas normally difficult on the surface of the moon and the result showed that previously flooded.
Looking through the lunar cycle intermediate is probably optimal, as the shadows from the perspective of the sun makes all the characteristics that distinguish the viewer and offers an excellent contrast with the exterior of the moon. To see the contrast with the best quality in the side of the termination or completion of the demarcation line between bright and dark of the moon.
The lunar surface is covered with many interesting features that are beautiful to full view. The most famous of the many elements can only be found craters on the moon. These craters of asteroids, many years ago, made the creation of the moon and earth. They are large and dark areas of the Moon, called Ocean, which in Latin means "sea" to notice. This is not actually water, but large areas of rock from volcanoes. Moreover, the same land, the mountains of the moon varied and valleys can be seen. It is better to have to find a map of the moon to find and read the different topographical features can be found on the moon.
Source : http://ezinearticles.com/